Woman's Health Centers

When Someone You Love Needs a Choice


Medical Abortion with Mifepristone or Mifeprex

How far along in the pregnancy can I be?

Up to 8 weeks for best success (97%). Success rates decrease as the pregnancy advances.

How long does it take?
  • Usually 2 to 5 visits to the provider.
  • On your 1st visit you will take an oral dose of medication.
  • 24 to 48 hours after your 1st clinic visit you will take misoprostol pills buccally (allowing the pill to dissolve inside the mouth between the cheek and gum, or under the tongue) on day 2 or 3 or, insert 4 tablets vaginally 24 hours after Mifeprex.
  • It usually takes several hours for the abortion to occur.
  • A follow-up sonogram will be done two weeks from first appointment.
  • Blood tests may also be needed to monitor your hormone levels.
  • One final check up is done at your 4 week visit.
How painful is it?

From mild to very strong cramping off and on throughout the abortion (commonly a 3 to 4 hour period). Pain pills are provided for use as needed.

How much will I bleed?

Heavy bleeding and passing clots are common during the abortion. Afterwards, lighter bleeding is common from 9 to 14 days longer. Some women may experience bleeding, clotting off and on until their first period following the medical abortion.

How much does it cost?


Can the abortion fail?

This method is 97% successful. When it fails, a surgical abortion is necessary.

Is it safe and can I still have children?
  • Both medications have been formally studied and used safely. Possible complications are rare.
  • Childbearing is not affected, barring rare serious complications.
What are the advantages?
  • It may seem more natural, like a miscarriage.
  • No shots, anesthesia, instruments, or vacuum aspirator machine, unless it fails.
  • The pregnancy can be ended earlier than with Surgical Abortion.
  • Being at home instead of a clinic may seem more comforting and private.
  • Any support person can be there during the abortion process.
What are the disadvantages?
  • It takes several days.
  • It is not completely predictable.
  • Bleeding can be very heavy and last longer than with a surgical.
  • A minimum of 3 visits to the provider are necessary, and possibly more.
  • It fails more often than a surgical termination.