Woman's Health Centers

When Someone You Love Needs a Choice


Tubal Ligation

Is a permanent method of pregnancy prevention. A woman’s fallopian tubes are tied which prevents the egg from being released into the uterus from the fallopian tube. Tubal ligation involves surgery and all the risks associated with anesthesia, infection and wound healing.

Medical experts estimate that about 20% of all women undergoing tubal ligation regret the decision and request that it be reversed. There are a number of reasons why a woman might change her mind. Included might be the death of a partner, divorce, death of a child, or other reason.

While tubal ligation may be reversible, it is complicated, expensive and has a relatively low rate of success. Therefore it is important to carefully consider this method of permanent birth control. Many doctors are reluctant to provide this surgery for young women because tubal ligation is meant to be permanent.

Advantages of Tubal Ligation

  • Permanent Birth Control.
  • Can Protect the life of the woman where pregnancy may be life threatening due to existing medical conditions.
  • May increase comfort level and spontaneity of a woman’s sexual response once she is no longer concerned about becoming pregnant.

Disadvantages of Tubal Ligation

  • Tubal ligation does not protect a woman against the transmission of STDs.
  • Involves risks related to surgery.
  • Is costly to reverse.
  • Only 60-80% of reversals result in conception.
  • There is an increased risk of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy after a tubal ligation for women who do become pregnant after the surgery.
  • There is a small increase risk of abnormal bleeding and bladder infection.
  • Post Tubal Syndrome may include irregular periods, painful periods, or bleeding mid-cycle. More research needs to be done regarding this syndrome as there is some debate among experts about these issues.